Private Speech and Language Therapy pricing and packages
Charges to access our services will vary based on what you or your loved one needs. This page provides basic information about what our costs include and the packages we offer.
To support you to decide whether to proceed with VISTA SLT, a breakdown of the likely charges will be given during the initial consultation. After our assessment, we might recommend referral to another professional for more tests or treatment.
If we do not feel we have the knowledge and skills required to support you, or your loved one, after the first consultation, we will aim to signpost you to another suitably skilled provider.
VISTA SLT Private Speech and Language Therapy
Cost considerations
Our work will mostly be conducted via visits to your home. Should home visits not be suitable, the VISTA SLT team can discuss treatment in an alternative location. Online sessions are available where this is yours, or your loved one’s preference or if you live outside of our 35-mile radius from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, for in-person therapy.
Charges will vary dependent on where you, or your loved one, are seen and the focus of the session.
Travel costs may apply, dependent on your location.
Our prices include the cost of any required therapy materials, planning and preparation ahead of sessions.
The VISTA SLT team are happy to liaise with any other professionals involved in yours, or your loved one’s care, where this is relevant.
Discounts are offered for packaged sessions or programmes.
Payment is required in advance of each scheduled appointment.
At VISTA SLT, we use our social media to inform our followers of different aspects of the profession and the support available to anyone experiencing difficulty. Click here to access our Facebook page or follow the links below for other platforms.
Bespoke packages for health and social care providers
VISTA SLT’s experienced Speech and Language Therapists can offer bespoke training packages for a range of health and social care providers or education settings. Topics may include (but are not limited to):
- Awareness of communication difficulties and how to support your service users/students to communicate effectively
- Awareness of swallowing difficulties and how to maximise nutrition and hydration for people with Dysphagia
- How to support people with communication difficulties to make decisions around their care (including an overview of mental capacity assessment)
- Using communication aids in healthcare and/or education settings
We also offer contracted and consultancy services to health and social care providers or education settings. VISTA SLT can support with:
- Waiting list management
- Clinical supervision and professional development
- Service redesign
- Triaging
If your team would benefit from training or contracted/consultancy services, please get in touch.